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Find Your Fit

The personal training program is designed to help you meet your fitness goals, whether it be weight-loss, muscle building or improvement in function. Our trainers will develop an exercise program specifically for you and teach you how to perform the exercises correctly and effectively. We offer several different options, including one-on-one training, buddy training and small group trainings. The available packages can be reviewed below.

One-on-One Training

30-Minute Sessions

# of Sessions Student Price Member Price
6 sessions $145 $150
12 sessions $255 $265
24 sessions $360 $390

1-Hour Sessions

# of Sessions Student Price Member Price
6 sessions $205 $210
12 sessions $360 $375
24 sessions $600 $620

One-on-One Personal Training packages can be purchased online in the member portal.*

*This is for established clients already assigned a trainer. Please notify your trainer if you plan to purchase a package online.


All buddy and small group personal training packages must still be purchased in-person at the Colvin.

Buddy Training

These are 1-hour sessions. Prices listed are per participant. Individuals are responsible for finding a buddy to participate. Sessions expire one year from purchase date.

# of Sessions Student Price/Person Member Price/Person
6 sessions $94.50 $110
12 sessions $174 $200
24 sessions $288 $335

Small Group Training

These are 1-hour sessions. Prices listed are per participant. Individuals are responsible for finding other participants to form a small group. Sessions expire one year from purchase date.

# of Sessions 3 People 4 People 5 People 6 People
16 sessions $128 $116 $104 $92
24 sessions $192 $174 $156 $138
32 sessions $256 $232 $208 $184


To register for personal training, please complete the registration form found below.  You will be asked to give detailed responses on your fitness goals and submit a health questionnaire that will allow us to pair you with a trainer that can help meet your needs.


If you have a trainer that you prefer, please be sure and include that on the registration form. Once the completed form is submitted by you and received by the Fitness team, you will be contacted by a fitness professional within two business days. An initial assessment will be scheduled, where the trainer will assess your fitness goals and advise you on the best training package that will help you achieve those goals. Your trainer will then accompany you to complete the payment process to begin and schedule your training sessions.


If you have any questions or concerns on the personal training registration process, please call (405) 744-3467.


Personal Training Registration Form


If you need to cancel a session, contact your trainer ASAP or 24 hours prior. If you do not give your trainer notice, they have the right to deduct that session from your package.