Student Wellness
Request a Program
We'll bring the training to you!
If you are looking to request an educational presentation for your academic course,
student organization, or Greek organization, complete a request form to review our
array of options. A member of our staff will confirm with you upon receiving the request.
General Wellness
Start building your lifelong wellness now! The Student Wellness team offers a variety
of events focused on various wellness aspects year-round. For your health needs, OSU
offers students with cost-effective medical care through University Health Services.
The Department of Wellness Fitness team offers students a student health risk assessment
for early detection of health problems.
Mental Health Resources
Oklahoma State University is a community that cares. Mental wellness is very important
– now more than ever. OSU offers a variety of mental health resources and trainings
for students.
Sexual Health Resources
Whether you are practicing abstinence, are sexually active or thinking about becoming
sexually active, it is important to be aware of and take care of your sexual health.
Virtual Education
Our virtual programs address a variety of relevant topics to help you have a happy
and healthy college experience. We cover a large spectrum of mental health topics
as well as provide tips and tricks to assist your college experience.
Nutrition Resources
We offer a variety of different nutrition resources to students. Need help making
meals on your own? How about finding healthy food options on campus? We got you covered!
College can be stressful.
You’re not alone.
According to the Fall 2022 National College Health Assessment, an average of 28.4% of OSU students surveyed reported that anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Depression, or Stress negatively impeded on their academic performance.
When comparing OSU First Year Freshman year-to-year persistence with campus involvement, students who went to 3 events during their first year had a persistence average of 76% compared to students who went to 1 event at 62%.
61.5% of OSU students surveyed felt that the OSU campus climate encourages free and open discussion of students’ health and well-being (NCHA).