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Please complete the following form that matches the request you would like to make:

Facilities Reservation Request


More Information

  • Reservation Policies
    • The Department of Wellness, whenever possible and appropriate, will make its facilities available for use by both University and non-University interests whose purposes are complementary to the mission of the department. However, the Department of Wellness reserves the right to refuse requests when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the department.
    • Space should be used for the rooms intended purpose, meaning activities such as dance belong in the dance studios and meetings in the classrooms. Dodgeball would not be an appropriate use of dance studio space. Gymnasiums would not be an appropriate space for dance practice or sport club practice.
    • Reservation requests must be submitted through the online facility reservation request form using the link above.  A confirmation email or follow-up email will be sent within 3 business days. Reservations are not approved until you receive a confirmation email.
    • Reservations requests requiring a fee must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks in advance.
    • Reservations not requiring a fee must be submitted a minimum of 1 week in advance.
    • Student organizations are allowed to reserve a space for no more than 2 days per week and for no more than 2 hours at a time.  Reservations can be for up to 30 days. In addition, Student organizations are allowed one recurring weekly reservation per semester for a maximum length of 30 days. In addition, requests to extend an existing reservation on a weekly basis past the maximum allotment will be denied.
    • Reservations for a one-time event or for outside organizations can be submitted up to 6 months in advance.
    • If the space is not reserved, individuals are welcome to use the available space on a first-come first-serve basis.
    • A minimum of 4 people should be involved in the activity in order for a reservation to be approved. Otherwise, rooms are available on a first come first serve basis.
    • Groups wanting to teach a class or host an event similar to courses provided by the Department of Wellness are not allowed. The decision as to what is determined as "similar" will be made by the Department of Wellness event coordinator in collaboration with the Assistant Director of the affected program area.
  • Reservation Fees

    For reservation fees, please contact that Colvin Center Business Office for pricing at (405) 744–5510 or email


    • Reservation fees may be waived for groups that meet the following three criteria: (1) activity is hosted by a student organization (2) activity is free of charge for the participant AND (3) participants are restricted to OSU students, faculty, and staff.
    • Reservation fees will be charged if you are:
      • Not a student organization (ex: individual, OSU Department, or outside organization)
      • Reserving the Colvin Annex. Notice of cancellation for reservations in the Annex must be received 72 business hours prior to the scheduled reservation or payment in full will be required. Charges for clean up and/or damages will be applied if necessary.
      • Charging a fee for the participant to attend the event, even if it is to break even or for philanthropic causes.
      • Inviting non-students/faculty/staff (ex: community/public)
      • Hosting an event that is similar to a course provided by the Department of Wellness
    • Individuals or groups circumventing these policies to avoid fees will be asked to leave the space and reservation privileges suspended.
  • Dance Room Guidelines
    • Bottled water is allowed. All other drinks, food, and gum are prohibited.
    • The Department of Wellness does not have speakers for public use.  Reservation holder must provide their own if needed.
      • Music volume should be kept to an acceptable level.
      • The edited or clean version of the song should be played.
    • Floors should be protected at all times:
      • Wear shoes with non-marking soles
      • Refrain from putting tape on the floor.
      • Additional equipment (ex: tables and chairs) should not be brought into the room.
    • Equipment stored in the closet is for department use only.
    • Activity should match the intended purpose of the room (ex: dodgeball and frisbee would not be appropriate)
    • Individuals abusing these policies will be asked to leave and reservation privileges suspended.
  • Areas Available for Reservation

    Colvin Recreation Center

    • Classrooms 174, 176, and 178
    • Combatives - martial arts style flooring and padded walls;
    • Dance Studio 1 – wood flooring and wall of mirrors with a ballet bar
    • Colvin Intramural Fields, Upper and Lower - located west of the Colvin Center / Wellness Center
    • Willis East Field – located at the NW corner of McElroy and  Willis; soccer goals available
    • Willis West Field – located at the NW corner of McElroy and Willis; includes rugby goals
    • Sand Volleyball Courts
    • Outdoor Pool
    • Hallway Exhibit

    Gyms are designated for open rec and Intramural use and typically are not able to be reserved. If event will require more space than the 4 gyms in the annex, please call the event coordinator at 405-744-5510.

    Seretean Wellness Center

    • Lecture Hall (max 130)


    Colvin Recreation Center Annex

    • 4 basketball court gymnasium


    Colvin Climbing Wall

    • The climbing wall is available for private reservations on both weekdays (Before 11 a.m., 1 - 4 p.m., or 8-10 p.m.) and weekdends (Before 11 a.m., 1-4 p.m.).
    • Outdoor Adventure will provide staff and equipment for all group rentals at the Climbing Wall. Call Kat Bailey to make reservations or for any other Climbing Wall questions at (405) 744-5583. All children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times.


    *Supervision and custodial fees will always be applied to annex reservations; facility fees will more than likely apply.

  • Equipment Rental Reservation

    Please complete the form and return it no later than seven (7) business days prior to the scheduled event. Reservation requests will only be accepted for events that are being held at Colvin Recreation Center facilities (Western Fields, Willis Fields, the Colvin Fields, and the Tennis Courts). Completion of this form does not guarantee approval. This form is only for equipment rental. For facility rental, please contact the Colvin Center Main Office.


    Submit an Equipment Rental Reservation form