Outdoor Adventure Trips
The Trip Program has a long and exciting history introducing participants to new activities, new places and new friends. Each semester the Trip Program features a few trips including backpacking, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, or even sky diving. Trips are a great way to stay found with Outdoor Adventure. Check the list below for an opportunity to join us today!
Costs include: qualified outdoor leaders, tents, group cooking equipment, sport-specific gear, meals in the field, logistics, park fees, and transportation.
Costs does not include: meals in restaurants, shopping, insurance, emergency medical costs or personal gear (e.g. eating utensils, water bottles, climbing shoes, etc.)
One more logistical consideration: Our plans may change for reasons beyond our control. That is the nature of outdoor adventures. It is therefore important to be flexible, laid back and less goal oriented than we may be in our everyday lives. Let your trip leaders handle any logistical challenges that may occur. That is their job.
Trip Registration Form (pdf)
Waiver and Release Form (pdf)