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Wellness Workshops for OSU Employees

Wellness Workshops are provided free of charge by the Department of Wellness and are perfect for staff meetings and in-service training sessions. These workshops can be delivered both in-person and virtually. A variety of topics are available, including:


  • CREATING A CYCLE OF SELF-CARE: Learn ways to practice self-care both on and off the clock while balancing a busy schedule.
  • CREATING HEALTHY COMMUNICATION AT WORK: Learn about the impacts of poor communication at work and how to improve it.
  • FITTING IN FITNESS:  Practical strategies on incorporating more physical activity into your busy life.
  • LIVE THE ACTIVE LIFE: Learn the basic physical activity guidelines for health and fitness.
  • MINDFUL EATING:  Learn how to eat the foods you love through the art of mindful eating.
  • MOVEMENT MATTERS: Learn about both long and short-term benefits of regular exercise for the body and mind.
  • MOVING TO MODERATION:  Discover the right portion sizes for you, and how all foods can fit into your life in moderation.
  • NUTRITION ON A BUDGET:  Money savings tips to help you eat healthy without breaking the bank.
  • NUTRITION ON THE GO:  How to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet in the midst of a busy lifestyle.
  • PRACTICING MINDFULNESS:  Learn the basics for starting a mindfulness and meditation practice.
  • SCIENCE OF SLEEP: Explore the sleep cycles and consequences of sleep deprivation, as well as learn the benefits of quality sleep and good sleep hygiene habits.
  • SEDENTARY SETBACKS AND DESKERCISE:  Learn how to incorporate beneficial activities without leaving your desk.
  • SOCIAL WELLNESS:  How building relationships and connecting with others can help improve your overall health.
  • WELCOME TO WELLNESS:  Did you know that many wellness programs and services are offered to OSU employees at no cost? Discover the variety of options available to you and your co-workers.
  • WELLNESS AT WORK: Learn and explore practical ways to develop and maintain a healthier lifestyle while on the clock.

Presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of your staff.  Most can be delivered in as few as 15 minutes or as long as one hour.  Customizable presentations, workshops, and events are available by request.

How to Schedule Workshop

To schedule a Wellness Workshop for your Department, please complete the online request form at least 2 weeks before the tentative program date. 

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