Supporting Students Certification Program
The Department of Wellness—in collaboration with University Counseling Services, the Office of Student Support and the Center for Family Resilience— has developed a certification program aimed to provide faculty and staff with the tools and training to aid and support students through a variety of potential mental health concerns or crisis situations.
More Information
This certificate program is open to all OSU faculty and staff (exempt and non-exempt). Participants must attend all four in-person sessions and a minimum of one elective session in order to receive the certificate and $150 stipend. Before and after attending all five sessions, participants will complete a pre- and post-assessment to track learning. Upon completing the final evaluation piece, participants will receive a certification and stipend from the developing departments.
This program will take place in person over the lunch hour from 12:00 – 1:00 and participants will receive a free lunch. Registration is required.
Two cohorts will be offered during the spring 2025 semester. See details below on how to register.
Core Sessions
- ACEs, PACEs and NEAR Science
ACE: Adverse Childhood Experiences
PACE: Protective and Compensatory Experiences
NEAR: Neurobiology, Epigentics, Adverse Childhood Experiences
Session 1 will lay the groundwork for supporting students while also adapting to students' lived experiences. NEAR Science (neurobiology, epigenetics, adverse childhood experiences, and resilience) provides a holistic understanding of how trauma and resilience impact health outcomes and barriers students may face in response.
- Mental Health and Crisis Intervention
Session 2 will provide tools and skills for staff to feel better equipped to support students through potential mental health and crisis intervention scenarios. Additionally, this session will provide a space for practical application and discussion about difficulties that faculty/staff population may face when supporting a student experiencing a mental health concern or crisis.
- Responding to Students in Need: Ways to Support and When to Report
Session 3 will build on session 2, moving participants into establishing effective ways to respond to and refer students experiencing need, including filing reports of concern to help ensure further assessment and support of students.
- Self-Care and Resources for the Supporting Staff
Session 4 will focus on how faculty and staff can also be mindful of their personal well-being while they support students through stressful situations. This session will allow participants to explore the resources available to them and reflect on how they may use them when needed.
Elective Courses
Electives are not offered over the lunch hour but light refreshments will be served. To find the times and locations for elective courses, check the learning management system.
- Sexual Assault Prevention
This session provides faculty and staff with the knowledge and tools to effectively support students who have experienced sexual violence. Participants will learn about trauma-informed practices, campus resources, and how to create a supportive environment that fosters trust, safety, and healing. Through interactive discussions and case study examples, attendees will gain practical strategies to respond compassionately and appropriately to disclosures, while respecting privacy and empowering students to access resources.
- Student Support Resource Panel
This panel session will allow participants to hear from various members of our OSU Care Team regarding the support provided by their area of representation. Panelists include staff from Student Accessibility services, Career Services, University Counseling, University Health Services, Housing and Residential Life, Campus Life/Student Involvement and Academic Affairs.
- Supporting Specialized Student Populations
Join a panel of staff and others to discover ways to foster a welcoming environment that promotes academic success and personal well-being for all students.
How to Register
- Log in to
- Search for “Supporting Students Certification Program”.
- Choose and request the cohort you wish to attend.
- Your supervisor will receive an email for approval. If approved, you will receive notice to complete registration.
- Once registration for the program closes and is finalized, elective information will be sent to participants for registration. There will be several options to complete your elective requirement.
Registration for spring 2025 is full. Be on the lookout for an email from the Department of Wellness about the fall 2025 program.