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Dates: 06/15-07/31/2020
Location: Virtual
Registration Deadline: 06-12-2020 5:00 PM
Registration Fee: Free to all OSU employees.


We typically blame the holidays and rich comfort foods for winter weight gain; however, summer weight gain can also be a legitimate concern. Join Employee Wellness for Summer Maintain Don't Gain, a 7-week, virtual program designed to keep participants from packing on any unwanted pounds over the summer months. We will focus on topics such as self-monitoring, staying on track while on vacation, healthy BBQ/party options, staying active, ditching sugary drinks and stress management.


Drawings will be held for weekly prizes and one participant will be awarded a grand prize.

*Incentives are subject to taxation. At the conclusion of the program, OSU Payroll Services will be notified of the retail value of the incentives received.


To register, complete the online registration form.

For questions, email or call 405.744.6907.