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This Data Use Agreement ("Agreement") governs the disclosure and use of data in the [NAME OF DATA] which are maintained by the OSU Wellness Research Initiative.


Any person ("the data recipient") seeking permission from the OSU Wellness Research Initiative to access [NAME OF DATA] must sign and submit this Agreement to the OSU Wellness Research Initiative and receive IRB approval as a precondition to the granting of such permission.


The primary investigator is responsible for the management, security, and ethical use of all data obtained under this agreement from “The Oklahoma State University (OSU) Wellness Research Initiative”. Others, including graduate students, co-investigators, and any other researchers cannot use the data without obtaining permission from the primary investigator.

a. All uses of these data must be approved by The OSU Wellness Research Initiative director. Approval will be determined based on the information contained in this agreement. Any changes in the original proposal will be re-evaluated by OSU Wellness Research Initiative staff. The data are to be used specifically and only for the purpose of completing theses, dissertations, reports, scholarly presentations, and manuscripts following approval of such a written proposal.
b. Presentations/Publications resulting from the use of the data will include acknowledgement of the source of the data consistent with the directions contained in this agreement.
c. All those using the data must abide by the accepted research protocol, IRB guidelines and American Psychological Association publication and research guidelines.


By signing this agreement, I am bound to the terms and conditions set forth herein and represents and warrants that the undersigned has the legal power, right, and actual authority to sign this agreement and bind them to the terms and conditions hereof.*


Data recipients will acknowledge the source of their data in any publication/presentation efforts that use data supplied under this agreement.

For dissemination of research that includes analyses of sensitive information (such as sexual health, marginalized identities, substance use, illegal conduct, or mental health data) recipients will include the following statement: “Data compilation and project planning were supported by the Oklahoma State University Wellness Research Initiative.”


For publications on benign topics such as enrollment patterns recipients will include the following statement: “Data were provided to the authors through the Oklahoma State University Wellness Research Initiative.”


By signing this agreement. I agree that the study described in this document and the guidelines detailed above will be adhered to. Any deviations from this agreement will be submitted to the OSU Wellness Research Initiative via an updated agreement form.*